Rabu, 01 April 2015

Jathilan, Magic Dance of Indonesia

Jathilan known as the oldest dances in Java, also known as Jaran braid. This dance show valor on the battlefield soldier on horseback while wielding a sword. Dancers use artificial horse made of woven bamboo or animal skin called Horse braid, accompanied by musical instruments drums, bonang, saron, kempul, trumpet and ketipung.

This dance performances by dancers who were wearing uniforms of soldiers and others using masks with figures vary, there Gondoruwo (demon) or Barongan (lion). They interfere with the soldiers who went to war. Besides Yogyakarta, Jathilan also grown in other regions such as East Java, Central Java, although each featuring a different version. The play is played generally the same, such as Flag, Ario Penangsang or picture soldier's life in the kingdom of Majapahit.

Other costumes in the form of uniform pants at the knees, subordinate batik cloth, shirts or long-sleeved shirt, waistband, belt buckled, shoulder sling (enthusiastic), waist scarf (sampur) and fabric headband (udheng) and ear ornaments (sumping). The dancers dress and wearing sunglasses striking.

People are more familiar with this dance as a dance that is synonymous with magical elements and trance. In the original dance, the dancers dance Jathilan continuously while swirling until one of them had some sort of trance or trance. The dancers will grab whatever is in front of him, including broken glass, eating grass, coconut peeling with teeth and scenes that seem unreasonable other. Dancers chew glass as tasty and delicious snack. For some viewers, this trance scene that became an exciting spectacle

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