Selasa, 14 April 2015

Amazing Lake in the Land of Gods

Is it possible if there is a lake on the top of the hill? Did you ever imagine when you climb on the hill you find a lake on it? Do you know that there is an amazing lake on the top of the hill in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta? Yes, the lake is on the top of the hill.
The lake is made by the local people who live near the hill. Its name is Nglanggeran lake. The lake is on the top of Nglanggeran hill, a mountain exactly.

Nglanggeran is a former ancient volcano that had been active millions of years ago. Nglanggeran lake is located in Nglanggeran, Patuk, Gunungkidul, 35 kilometres eastern Yogyakarta. The thing that make it attracting is the view. You can see almost of Yogyakarta's view from the lake, it is caused that the lake is on the top of the Nglanggeran mount. The right time to visit Nglanggeran lake is in the early morning. You can see the amazing sun rise from on it. When the dusk came and the sun began to set up is the most beautiful time to enjoy the beauty of the lake. You can go there by car or motorcycle. You have to walk up hundreds of stairs to get to the top of the mountain.

The Views

Rabu, 08 April 2015

Adventure in the bowels of the Earth

Did you ever imagine you're down the underground river like in a fairy tale? You will find these answers in Goa Pindul. Goa Pindul is a cave that is naturally occuring in which inside the belly of the cave is flowing river with clear water. Pindul Cave (Goa Pindul) is located in the Gelaran, Bejiharjo, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. Goa Pindul has a distance of about 60 km east of Yogyakarta or can be reached in about 2 hours journey by car.
To down the river that cuts through this cave, you should sit on top of a ban that has been prepared by the Manager there. You also have to hold hands with the other visitors due to the stream in the cave of pindul is a bit heavy.
For the sake of your safety and security, you should follow the direction of the pindul cave guidesHowever your safety and salvation is the main thingCave of Pindul presents a very enchanting natural beauty.

Map of Pindul Cave

Pictures of Pindul Cave

Kamis, 02 April 2015

Bali Van Gunung Kidul

Kukup Beach
Gunungkidul is the name of a district located in the east of Yogyakarta. Gunungkidul is a mountainous area that has a chalky ground contours. If you visit Gunungkidul, during your trip will go through the winding streets and you will be presented a very beautiful natural scenery. The journey from the center of Yogyakarta City Center Serves up to be not boring.
Besides having an amazing natural scenery, Gunungkidul, also known as the area has many beaches. Beaches in Gunungkidul stretches from the West end to the East ujunng. Each beach in Gunungkidul have different characters, such as Baron has a black sandy beach characters, whereas the Kukup Beach has white sand.
ach beach in Gunungkidul has a different beauty. Thus Gunungkidul worthy of being your tourist destination.

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Jathilan, Magic Dance of Indonesia

Jathilan known as the oldest dances in Java, also known as Jaran braid. This dance show valor on the battlefield soldier on horseback while wielding a sword. Dancers use artificial horse made of woven bamboo or animal skin called Horse braid, accompanied by musical instruments drums, bonang, saron, kempul, trumpet and ketipung.

This dance performances by dancers who were wearing uniforms of soldiers and others using masks with figures vary, there Gondoruwo (demon) or Barongan (lion). They interfere with the soldiers who went to war. Besides Yogyakarta, Jathilan also grown in other regions such as East Java, Central Java, although each featuring a different version. The play is played generally the same, such as Flag, Ario Penangsang or picture soldier's life in the kingdom of Majapahit.

Other costumes in the form of uniform pants at the knees, subordinate batik cloth, shirts or long-sleeved shirt, waistband, belt buckled, shoulder sling (enthusiastic), waist scarf (sampur) and fabric headband (udheng) and ear ornaments (sumping). The dancers dress and wearing sunglasses striking.

People are more familiar with this dance as a dance that is synonymous with magical elements and trance. In the original dance, the dancers dance Jathilan continuously while swirling until one of them had some sort of trance or trance. The dancers will grab whatever is in front of him, including broken glass, eating grass, coconut peeling with teeth and scenes that seem unreasonable other. Dancers chew glass as tasty and delicious snack. For some viewers, this trance scene that became an exciting spectacle