Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

The Traditional Ceremony of the Sekaten in Yogyakarta

Sekaten or ceremonial Sekaten (derived from the word Syahadatain or two sentences creed) is the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad are held on any date 5 monthsJava Mulud (the early years of Rabi ' Al-Hijrah) in the square North of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The ceremony was first used by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, founder of the Royal family to invite people to follow and embrace Islam.

Procession Of The Sekaten
On the first day, the ceremony begins at night with the motorcade abdi dalem (Palaceofficials) together with two sets of Javanese gamelan Kyai Nogowilogo and KyaiGunturmadu. The motorcade started from Ponconiti towards the great mosque ofpendapa in North square with escorted by soldiers of the Palace. Kyai Nogowilogo will occupy the north side of the Grand Mosque, while the Kyai Gunturmadu will be in thePagongan to the South of the mosque. Both sets of sets to be played simultaneouslywith up to date 11 months Mulud, for 7 consecutive days. On the eve of the last day,both sets will be brought back into the Palace.

Grebeg Muludan

Peak event ceremony Sekaten Muludan is marked by a giant who was held on the 12th(in the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) starting at 8: 00 in the morning.With escorted by 10 kinds of bregada (the company) soldiers of the Palace: Wirabraja,Daeng Patangpuluh, Jgakarya, Prawiratama, Nyutra, Ketanggung, Mantrijero,Surakarsa, and Bugis. A mount made from glutinous rice, food and fruits andvegetable-sayuan will be brought from the Palace of Kemandungan Sitihinggil and pastPerformances to the great mosque. After being prayed for, the mount representing the welfare of Mataram was distributed to people who assume that part of being this will bring a blessing to them. Part of the mount which is considered to be sacred this would be brought home and planted in rice paddy fields so that they are/become fertile andfree from all kinds of disasters and plagues.

Tumplak Wajik
Two days before the event, a ceremony Muludan Grebeg Tumplak Diamonds held in the courtyard of the Palace of Magangan at 11: 00 pm. The ceremony is in the form ofkotekan or game songs by wearing a slit drum, mortar (a tool for pounding paddy),and such that marks the beginning of the creation of the mount that will be paradedduring the event a giant Muludan later. The songs played in the show Tumplak of diamonds is a popular Javanese songs such as: Lompong Tundhung Keli, Satan, Owalawil, or other people's songs.

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